Thursday, July 5, 2007

Noisy turbines in Pubnico may cut off WIPPI funding

Atlantic Wind Power Corp had participated in the Wind Power Production Incentive (WIPPI) which is a grant of $10 million (of tax payer's money) over a period of nine years. Natural Resources Canada (NRC) has asked AWPC to produce a proposal as to how they can mitigate the excessive noise at Pubnico. If they cannot produce a proposal (and act on it) to NRC's liking they can cancel the grant.

Last May, NRC retained Howe Gastmeier Chapnik Limited (HGC Ltd) to conduct a noise study (again, tax payer's money) of the Pubnico wind farm. This was in response to noise complaints by Daniel d'Entremont and his family.

HGC is an engineering consultancy firm in Ontario which specializes in noise, vibration and acoustics

The study was conducted from 5-11 May 2006.

The study confirmed that the d'Entremont home was sometimes being exposed to higher than recommended noise levels, sometimes by as much as 13 dBA. The noise was worst when it came from the direction of the turbines and when the wind was light.

HGC used noise level criteria from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE). MOE uses higher threshold levels than the World Health Organization.

When the winds were too light for any turbines to operate (< 5m/s) the d'Entremont home was observed to show a sound level of 30dBA.

The MOE criteria for turbine noise are 40dBA at "cut in " wind speed of 5m/s up to 53dBA at a wind speed of 11m/s. At higher wind speeds, the sound of wind in the trees etc is supposed to mask turbine noise. (Not many leaves on the trees in winter!).

Sound levels at high wind speeds (49dBA at 9m/s) were just barely compliant.

Using methods of the CONCAWE* noise assessment protocol, predictions can be made for worst case scenarios. HBC concluded "that the predicted 49dBA level could be as high as 54dBA at the d'Entremont residence" under certain conditions.

Conservation of Clean air and water - Europe


Anonymous said...

Did the company that produced the measurements indicate levels at all the frequencies a turbine produces-they often "forget" to mention the infrasonic(very low frequency content).
Did they indicate the distances from the turbines in their reported measurements and the variences caused by phase reinforcement/cancelation from a grid of very low frequency sound generators with 50' and greater wavelengths?
Did they report on the possibility of modulation and beats from the subtle variations of low frequencies from each turbine in the grid?
Did they measure the resonance effects inside a house from this low frequency content?

Anonymous said...

When do you think County Council is going to come forward and admit they erred in passing the bylaw and throwing their support behind this wind turbine project? Bet never but if they had any integrity at all they'd recind the bylaw now.

Alex Dunlop said...

First off why is it that all of you who are posting opposition to this project are doing so as anonymous. Why can't you even post your name?

Secondly I don't think anyone other than someone directly involved in the operation of a wind farm actually undersatnds the importance of the WPP incentive. 1 cent per Kilo Watt hour makes a huge difference and can even determine whether or not a project will survive. As you continue to paint the picture of the proposed Pugwash Wind Farm as being one that will "destroy" the current lifestyle of this community you should look at what the purpose of these projects are. It is to provide cheap energy that is clean and good for the whole environment. How would you feel if your power bill increased 43% because our utility had to secure another source for its fuel, because the one from Venezuela has been cutoff. I think a lot of you probably wouldn't even keep a cottage anymore, because they are traditionally a lot more innefficient than the average home.

If this fight is won by the opposition than a benchmark will be set in this province as not being open to coastal wind farm development. If you only knew of the amount of businesses that have already turned their backs on this province because they see it as a "backwater" that allows projects to be tied up in bureaucratic red tape, because one person was not happy with something to do with the project. You may reconsider your position if you actually knew these numbers. If one person can stop this than we are in for some big trouble. You don't seem to understand that the fight that exists here on this one project is a reflection of the whole movement against neighbouring wind farms. It is even worse when you get someone like Anne Murray to quote shadow flicker as a reason to not have this project when it is already quite obvious that this will not be a factor with this wind farm. Another thing is that you can't quote other projects as being better than this one, like that of Shear Wind, when you know nothing of this organization or its proposed projects other than what you may have read in press releases put together by them.

I truly hope that others are in agreement with me and will post their feelings soon.

Anonymous said...

Your power bills are going up whether you like it or not-its called peak oil and we are sliding downhill and with the combined forces of supply and demand and the cost of keeping the US military in the middle east there is no road out but up and up and up$$$.
The wind doesn't blow full speed 24 hours a day -everyday so wind power is only a small drop in the bucket of the total we consume.
The people opposing this wind farm have good reasons and you who think
they are holding back investment in this type of power generation would be on their side of the fence if you lived next to one of these proposals.
And if we were all real smart we would all start trying to live without our dependence on electricity!

Anonymous said...

I remain baffled at this resistance to green power and the inability to see the big picture. Don't you know that we are all affected by the burning of fossil fuels? How do you think the people of Trenton feel with a coal-fired power plant in their back yard. They would love to trade it for a wind farm. Come on Gulf Shore residents - we all have to do our part - help us save the planet!

Anonymous said...

My name is Joanne MacPherson, I oppose this wind turbine project. I oppose it as a land owner who will lose the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of my acreage if these turbines are built. The bylaw only protects existing buildings, if there are no buildings on fields, such as in my case, the turbines can sit as close as 50 feet away from the property line. I oppose this project as a environmentalist who sees clearly that the cost to build these structures versus their energy output is highly inefficient. A compact fluroescent light bulb exchange program costs hundreds of millions of dollars less for greater energy savings. I oppose this project for the secretive, divisive and negative manner it is being forced on our community. Mr. Demond is in the news today whining about Anne Murray, he is unhappy she went public with her opposition to this project, he feels "it is not helpful at all for the business of" his company and wind farms at large. What about us, Mr. Demond? The hundreds of us who have showed up at your meetings, answered your survey, written, called, wrote letters to the editor, appealed to the County, made it very clear to you and your firm that we oppose this project? You said to us "if you don't want us here, we won't build, it is as simple as that". Why are you pretending Anne Murray is the first real opposition you've heard? It is time for all of our citizens, famous and otherwise, to make it clear where we stand on this issue. Alex Dunlop clearly supports it. I don't. My name is Joanne MacPherson. Oh, as for the "anonymous post" it is the fastest way of posting, otherwise, you have to join google blogger, and I don't want to.

Anonymous said...

Have you whinners actually taken the time out of your day and visited Pubnico to listen to those " loud machines"? Why don't you do this? Then you'll see they are not noisy.You don't go because it is not noise you are really worried about. You are just NIMBYs. You are listening to a bunch of people telling you how loud they are. Do you believe everything you are told?
So what if it is 50 feet from your property line. Is that 50 feet from your house/cottege?
And this proposed wind farm has not been done in a secretive manner. How many times have you been informed of on goings? If anything your pathetic little group has done things in secret.
One more question. When you go to your cottege do you spend time looking at the ocean/sun sets/beach/people enjoying the beach? Or do you look at the field on the other side of the road?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anne Murray for coming aboard and helping us in our important fight against this windfarm. We need a voice that will be heard, so thanks again. Your windfarm is not wanted hear Charles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Take your windfarm elsewhere Charles Demond, where it won't affect the residents, whether seasonal or not.
Would you like one in your front yard Charles??? Stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes, we know all the negative effects that could happen, even if you say there are none. How stupid do you think we are. We're not!!! You say you won't put them where they are not wanted so go away
WE DO NOT WANT A WINDFARM ON THE GULF SHORE !!!!!!! Can you hear that???? (Or is it still falling on deaf ears - your way?)
By the way, when are the 2 meetings that you cancelled? Are you waiting for fall when all the cottagers are gone home, so you can sneak it in, seems that way to us.
We will fight this to the end.

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting this Anne Murray, we appreciate your help!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My name is Lynne DiCocco and I live in Ontario. We are currently in the same position as you folks, trying to get safe setbacks of wind turbines from our homes. You might be interested to know that the Ontario Ministry of the Environment has had so many noise complaints from the existing wind farms, that they are currently re-evalutating their noise guidelines. They are expected to be out in the fall. Your provincial government uses these same guidelines, I believe. They may want to put a hold on new projects until the information is released. A seven week Municipal Board Hearing just finished here between Enbridge and local citizens. Enbridge wants to put up 110 Vesta wind turbines in our municipality. The noise expert demonstrated quite clearly that their noise predictions were insufficient, and that wind shear would produce higher noise results.

I found it rather nervy of AWPC to complain that Anne Murray was objecting to the wind farm. It must be so tiresome for them when citizens actually stand up and exercise their right to free speech. I would suggest to them that they should go back to Pubnico Point and clean up the mess they left there, before moving on to new projects. As for the people who accuse us of being NIMBY's, I usually find that a) they do not live beside a wind turbine b) they are the type of people who object when a neighbour puts up a clothesline in their controlled subdivision c)they are PITBY's - Put it in their backyard! As for not hearing noise when you stop by a wind farm, the noise is usually worst at night when the ambiant daytime noise is reduced.
Keep up the good work. Write letters, speak to people and educate your politicians. I read a great quote about wind turbines by Henry S. F. Cooper, "Wind power may be something of a red herring hidden inside a pork barrel"