Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wind Turbine Development - Gulf Shore Road, Pugwash , NS Petition

Online petitions are all the rage now. Get in on the action.

You don't have to have your e-mail address seen. Comments are welcome. This is a petition against this particular wind farm location. It is not against wind energy.

Wind Turbine Development - Gulf Shore Road, Pugwash , NS Petition


Anonymous said...

Good job, Lisa, we need to show this developer and the provincial government you are not alone in opposing this project.

Anonymous said...

You are still the minority and your credibility is still in serious doubt by those in the know!

Keep up the fight as your opposition enjoys watching manifested futility!

Anonymous said...

Again and again you have said that you support wind development just NIMBY. Now the ugly truth rolls out. Your letter to the Premier advocates stopping all wind projects by moratorium in hopes the delay will shut down the Irishtown wind farm.

You are obviously trying to destroy all wind development for Nova Scotia. Thanks for the socially aware stance.

Anonymous said...

I believe it would benefit anyone in favour of the proposed Gulf Shore Windfarm to check out this link to a report of the poor performance of a similar installation in Searsburg, Vermont.Please inform yourselves before condemning Lisa & all residents of the Gulf Shore. This information is easily obtained, yet many people won't take the time to do their homework before forming opinions.
There are a lot of facts in this article that Mr. Demond forgot to mention at the open house.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to Vermont? Where is the ocean next to Searsburg? How about like 200 Km away!

How is this a similar installation where there are 11 small 0.6 Mw machines? Yeah sure it may be the same manufacturer, but come on you can't go and tell us the opposition to get our facts straight when you call this a similar project. Why don't you look at a map next time before you make such a ridiculous comment! Perhaps if you actually read the document for what it was and compared it properly to Pugwash and did your own homework than maybe you would have refrained from quoting something that does not support your argument! Whatever it is that you are looking for it cannot be found, especially when you have blinders on that you obviously wore while reading this article.


Sick&Tired of this crap!

Anonymous said...

Now that you've read that one, try this, even more enlightening report.

Anonymous said...

Why is it those who oppose the windfarm development can do so with intelligence, calm and rational discussion whereas those who claim to be in support of it come across as uneducated inbred hicks? They howl in protest no fair everytime information is posted, information, not a gun to your head to reach the same conclusion, just the facts presented for you to read and form your own opinion, but no, these imbeciles keep screeching and crying fowl play and then they point to the green movement they are part of it, like they are not clearcutting trees, burning their trash in a barrel in their backyard and letting their engine oil drain into the grass from its on blocks parking place. Quoting scripture, feigning environmental concern, all the while threatening "you've been warned" and "you've gone too far", the hillbilly digs deep to come up with fighting words when the truth stares down at him, stares, not glares, as he runs off howling "they threatened me". Meanwhile, 90 plus educated and influential people have posted their names on an online petition saying they oppose this project, not one fighting word used among them.

Anonymous said...

Quoting your own opposition as inbred hicks does not give you the right to claim the upperhand as being the ones that are rational, calm and intelligent. I believe it is your group of 90 people that are crying fowl play or screeching as you have also put it. This blog has not been a fountain of information that should rationlly lead someone to believe that wind power at Pugwash can't happen. This blog is instead a place for people to put down whatever suits their fancy. It does not necessarily have to have any credibility or even be factual as long as it doesn't support the Pugwash development than you are a-okay in Lisa's books. The truth is Lisa, is that if you do win I would not go waiving your hands in the air shouting victory, instead I would suggest taking a trip to Halifax to retain the best damn civil lawyer out there to defend yourself against the libel and slander suits that you will face as a result of the proposed moratorium on your part. These are fighting words and you are making enemies in the wrong places!

Anonymous said...

The blatant truth of the matter is that we as in Nova Scotians are going to have to reduce our carbon footprint, because ours is one of the worst in North America. This province has embraced wind as being one of the ways that we are going to reduce this footprint and in the future it IS going to play a major role. Sites that are ideal will be selectd and as long as they pass the municipal, environmental, and health requirements of the day they will be allowed to go up. This project meets all of these and is therefore a high probability candidate for success. The land owners, the developers, the utility and the goverment are parties to this contract and they all are in support of this project. Your efforts are futile and should be abandoned before you embarass yourselves any further!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather face embarassment going down in history as one who stood up and said windfarms have ruined other communities, I am not letting that happen here.

Anonymous said...

You are very narrow minded and care only about yourselves. Let NSPC blow soot all over the province. You want cancer or solitude? I bet you OR Anne Murray would not want to give up any of your modern electrical conveniences to help with our emmissions from the power plant.
Grow some brains.