Monday, July 16, 2007


There seems to be some confusion as to the intelligence and integrity of the local population.

It has been suggested in the press by certain people and in some comments here that locals and cottagers have been led by a small group of weirdos into believing wind energy is bad and that they must oppose a proposed wind farm here.

It seems extraordinary that hundreds of people - including lawyers, doctors, dentists, judges, leaders of industry, teachers, RCMP officers, business owners and regular joes have been somehow hypnotized into believing in this one cause.

Give me a break!!

These are intelligent, educated people who can make up their own minds!

No one here has ever said that wind energy is bad.

The suggestion that we only care about what is immediately on our own doorstep is also insulting. We understand that what happens locally affects us all - locally. Just because someone speaking in opposition is more than two kilometers away does not mean that they do not have a concern.

These people can see the bigger picture.

Clair Peers is quoted in a recent story by CanWest News as saying the Gulf Shore Association knew (Anne) Murray had a cottage nearby and likely recruited her in their battle against the project. "It's probably a clever tactic to get someone famous involved. It's been an ongoing thing."

Recruitment? There's been no necessity for any recruitment because Anne and the hundreds of others that oppose this particular project needed no recruitment. They have made informed, educated decisions all by themselves. We have been approached by them.


Anonymous said...

Those who feel that wind energy will help save our planet and that these snotty Pugwashers should sacrifice their enjoyment of the area for the benefit of all should try sacrificing their enjoyment and use of electricity with the benefit of saving the planet for all!
It takes oil to make a litebulb!
It takes a brain to turn it off!
Try turning on yours!

Anonymous said...

Who are the land owners in the Pugwash area leasing their lands and what do they have to say about this controversy?

Anonymous said...

I watched the Global news piece on tv last night and was struck by how the images made it seem, once again, that opposition rests solely with Lisa Betts on the Gulf Shore. Lisa, you need to put that petition on camera or invite some opponents over to your house, don't let them keep interviewing you alone like that.

Anonymous said...

Are you next going to get Anne Murray to speak out against additional turbines proposed for Springhill? PLEASE DON'T! We have two turbines in Springhill (one is even named Snowbird, in Anne's honour) and the community has embraced them. More are planned for here and we hope they come. Can we hear them?....yes, if we are close and we listen carefully....Are they a disturbance?....of course not!

Anonymous said...

With your opposition to wind turbines perhaps we can build a nuclear power station instead, to make up for some of the energy needs that will be needed in Eastern Canada. The nuclear waste of course could be buried in the abandoned mines in Springhill. Keep up the opposition and I guarantee there will be worse projects to come that will steam roll you!

Anonymous said...

This is still about a group of private investors trying to make a fortune off wind energy while the government hand outs are available. This has absolutely nothing to do with saving the planet or saving eastern canada or saving our coastline. If there were no money to be made, these investors would be long gone. Seems like there is too much money to be made for them to pull out in wake of huge opposition. Springhill record poll showed 76% oppose wind farm on gulf shore.

Anonymous said...

76% eh!

Now I Know you are delusional. Since a phone poll was done that shows that opposition is nowhere near as strong as you think.

You are perhaps the worst thing that has ever happened to this province Lisa Betts, WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND PISS OFF! THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME!

Anonymous said...

What is too much money anyways? I know my bank had a record profit in the several billions of dollars last year and that is a gross amount of money. Is this wind farm any where near that, Absolutely not! The developers have probably not left because they are not going to sit down and take this bull S#@t from people like you who wrangle sheep to believe in a movement that is based on unproven facts. So why don't you get lost like the last comment says!

Anonymous said...

What government handouts are you talking about? Are you talking about WPPI, which has been temporarily suspended while the feds try to brand their own incentive program for windfarm developers. Or perhaps there is something else which you have manifested!

By the way you should try to go and do the math before you talk about people making mounds of money on this project. How much production do you think there will be here 50 million, 100 million, 200 million or even 300 million Kilo Watt hours per year. Well lets see if this project by some miracle gets between 7.5 to 8 cents per kilowatt hour than the maximum that they could make is about $14 million per year. Wow that sounds pretty impressive for something that would probably cost around $100,000,000 to install. Get your facts straight for once you numbskull!

john said...

Someone wants to know about the real landowners involved. Well folks they are not good folk like the corporate lawyers Lisa has mentioned, They are not commercial the bankers touted as ideal Gulf Shore residents resting here before returning to Hogtown where they will raise my bank card fees again . They are not real estate developers working day and night to shelter folk with only one or two other houses,

No: much worse. They are farmers. Imagine; families with generations of land stewardship, 70+ hour work weeks and operating loans that would paralize me with fear. They aren't useful professionals like the good samaratins listed above. All they do is provide food for our tables. Can you believe that parasites like this believe they have rights to the land they have worked for generations. What gall. They don't seem to understand that the philanthropsts that subdivide rural Nova Scotia and sell bits off to a professional elite are the true heroes of our society. Lets get rid ot these farmers. The bankers and lawyers will take care of us.

Get a grip anonymous. The landowners have been heard from. They have written letters to the editor, attended public meetings and even wear cute little wind generator lapel pins. You don't know this because you are not involved with the entire community. Don't expect any help from our web mistress. She has chosen to ignor the real landowners from the start. I can't blame her; the land in question is agricultural land and can in no way be descibed as cottage. Lisa can hardly acknowledge the sole useof this property as agricultural and still write here blog blurbs.

What do you think? Charles has a firstborne hostage to get leases from the farmers? Land leases are two party agreements. The landowners are willing participants in the project.

John McManus

Anonymous said...

Amen to John!

I only wish he had spoken out weeks ago.

The true colours of the opposition to this windfarm are starting to shine very bright.

This blog's direction is misguided and full of malcontent. The time is upon us for this blog to be shut down I only wish I could pull the plug myself!

Anonymous said...

I've never met a poor Irving or a poor Mundle, but I have met the greedy sides of both families. They owned most of the lands now occupied by cottagers, having sold their shore frontage for profit. Now they are trying to profit from the less desirable lands across the road from the shore, land they could just leave alone or continue farming on or even, god forbid, clearcut, as most large area landowners in this area have done. These are not poor noble struggling farmers putting food on my table. No respecting environmentalist would eat meat or dairy, these types of farms are the worst polluters and greenhouse gas emitters. But if it makes you feel good to play the violin and stir up some emotional support for these wealthy founding folks, play on. The dance hall is empty, the neighbours have gone protesting.

Anonymous said...

It is very obvious that this blog is neither misguided nor full of malcontent. It is equally obvious that some interests would love to pull the plug on it. You hang in there girl! Don't let the b#@%&*ds wear you down. This blogspot is hitting them where it hurts.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is to be commended for her efforts in bringing public attention to the bad as well as the good of this technology.
The ones not in sympathy with these problems appear to have a vested interest in the financial gainz to be made from this installation!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the above two comments. The most recent one is an example of how misguided this opposition really is. Your comments suggest that I have a vested interest because I sympathize with the developer, wrong! My only interest is that when I pay my bill to NSPI in two or three years time that I know that maybe 20% of their production is coming from renewable resources. In terms of the comment calling us B@#$%A#$S well I can personally guarantee that noone involved in this project has been hit where it hurts. In fact I would be willing to bet that none of them other than Mr. Mundell have even posted a comment here. You know why? Because they know that entertaining this group with their coments is a waste of time, since those that actually make decisions in this province have already made up their minds about all of you numbskulls. I can't wait to see you all when you decide to block construction, because this project wins in the RFP. I might even volunteer to get up on a machine and run you all over!