Monday, July 23, 2007

Quote from Dr Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD

"I am a physician and scientist; my expertise lies in clinical and environmental matters. Whether or not wind proves to be a viable source of power, it is absolutely essential that windmills not be sited any closer than 1.5 miles from people's homes or anywhere else people regularly congregate. (Highways are also a problem for motorists with seizure and migraine disorders and motion sensitivity, from the huge spinning blades and landscape-sweeping shadow flicker.) I consider a 1.5 mile set-back a minimum figure. In hilly or mountainous topographies, where valleys act as natural channels for noise, this 1.5 mile set-back should be extended anywhere from 2-3 miles from homes.

"Let me be clear: there is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the wind energy proposition that says windmills must be sited next door (often 1000 feet) to people's homes and workplaces. Siting, after all, is the crux of the issue.

"Irresponsible siting is what most of the uproar is about. Corporate economics favor building wind turbines in people's backyards; sound clinical medicine, however, does not."

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