Wednesday, July 18, 2007


As much as I enjoy many of the comments on this blog, I am disturbed that some people see this as an opportunity to make personal attacks, some quite libelous. Not just towards me, but towards my friends and neighbours who nevertheless see these comments for what they are.

It is clear that these are comments from a particular group who see this open forum as a threat to their wind energy interests.

The more rabid, outrageous and threatening they are, the more foolish and desperate they look.

I simply do not have time to moderate discussion, so if this goes too off track, I will simply have to shut down the comments section - as I did some months ago for the same reasons.

I could pick and chose which comments to keep, but I'd rather not get involved in the slippery slope of censorship - its all or nothing.

This blog was started up to introduce all kinds of information to educate and question, and that will continue regardless.


Anonymous said...

Lisa,I have seen numerous,nasty personnel attacks against Charles Demond. I guess its ok when they are directed at him?

Perhaps your group should heed your own words.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen anything nasty or personal said about Charles Demond on this blog, more like comments about what he has said in public that didn't hold water and couldn't pass scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

You have a lot of nerve to use the words spoken against you as being libelous, when this blog has on several occasions used words that AWPC could consider to be libelous if they wanted to. Your legal expertise obvioulsy rides very closely to your understanding of the renewable energy business, this community and the purported affects from wind farms.

Anonymous said...

If you even think of censoring your own opposition than you my as well shut down this blog! What sort of position is that to shut down those that disagree with you. You have made some serious accusations about AWPC in the past and it would be incredibly ironic for you to take a similar stance to what you have accused AWPC of doing to their own oppositon, which I bet they haven't anyways.

But if you want to go ahead and do it as it will only verify the credibility of this movement!

Anonymous said...

The Oxford Journal printed a letter this week authored by Norma Mundle, called " Turbines Stir Development". In it, she writes "if our community is to survive we need more than retirement homes". Her point being that if we let this wind energy development in it will show the world we are forward thinkers, others will come, eventually jobs that can bring in young people with families to fill our schools will sprout up here. She says "opponents to the wind farm have used tactics of instilling fear, misinformation and verbal agression". Definately pro wind development here. As I continued reading through the Journal I saw a bit about Roger and Norma Mundle going on a camping trip. Huh? Roger as in Roger Mundle, the guy who leased his lands to AWPC? Is that the connection? If so, the Oxford Journal needs to print a disclaimer next week revealing Norma Mundle's paid relationship with AWPC.

Lisa said...

You guys get one more warning. No more personal attacks or I turn comments off. And I am including no more attacks on my friends and neighbours, the Mundles and Irvings.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is opposing the use of wind as a renewable resource to generate the juice that feeds our insatiable desires.
The opposition is to locating them close to residential areas for all the reasons given throughout this very informative blog.
Lisa's work is to be commemded for bringing this to the publics attention.
These have unknown health risks associated with the infrasonic(very low frequency)sounds they create and possibly the electromagnetic fields they create.
This is new territory and short of tieing up our prisoners of war and monitoring them for 10 years there is no easy way to define this long term problem.

Anonymous said...

The effects of infrasonic and electromagnetic waves passing through the body is not old. It has been studied quite intently. I believe that in this blog somewhere there is a link directly to one of these studies that was done in the early part of this century. The results were that there was no affects from the low-frequency emmissions that could be emmitted from a wind farm.

Now I disagree that you feel that Lisa is not opposed to wind farms as a good renewable resource. On the contrary she has proposed a moratorium that could further delay or outright stop the development of almost every project that is currently in the cue for the 130 Mw RFP that is going on right now. While you may think that she is opening the eyes of so many people all you are doing is fueling NIMBYism at its worst. As much as you think you are being taken seriously you are not. There has been nothing proposed on this blog that would force someone way up to serioulsy consider your movement. The reason is because there is way too much misinformation that is posted here that destroy's any credibility that you might have hoped to gain with those that make the decisions that you want to alter.

Anonymous said...

go ahead and shut the comments down. We all know this is a one person show here. Lisa, you just want to be in the spot light but eventually time will pass. You'll be forgot all about. As far as I'm concerned, you are all fools. Think of the future and not yourselfs. Get real already. I'm so sick of everything on this that I'm noy even returning on this site. Have your fun or what ever you want to do as pleasure. Blah, blah, blah.