Tuesday, April 3, 2007


A little publicity does amazing things!

Since the piece about wind turbines and this blog was published in Sunday's Chronicle Herald, I have received a ton more information and e-mails. There have been a lot of hits on this blog too.

Last week the Oxford Journal ran two pieces on the subject. The Amherst Daily News interviewed me last night and a request for an interview with CBC just came in.

Yesterday CBC radio from PEI ran a story about a family who is being driven out of their home 1km from a turbine because of the noise.

I was contacted by the gentleman in Pubnico (Daniel d'Entremont) who has been fighting AWPC for three years. We had a long and very interesting conversation. His family was driven out of their home a year ago. Their biggest complaint was the noise and infrasound which he says made his family ill. Their symptoms eventually all left after they moved away from the turbines . The wind farm was initially supported by the community, but now many are not happy and say that if they had known back then what they know now, they would have not supported the project.

More later.

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