Friday, January 20, 2012

Sprott looking to grow Amherst wind project?

Wind company considering the east side of the Trans-Canada for more turbines

Darrell Cole

Amherst Daily News

AMHERST – As it passes the halfway mark of its $61-million Amherst wind project, Sprott Power is already looking at its options for expansion.

“We’re looking at possibly expanding our project in Amherst, going to the east of the Trans-Canada Highway,” company chief operating officer Don Bartlett said Friday. “We’re just investigating it now, but it’s something we’re considering.”

Barlett said he is not at liberty to talk about what the expansion plans are, other than to say there will be a public presentation in the coming months detailing what what the company wants to do.

“As we move forward we’ll make some public announcements,” he said.

Before it moves across the highway it would have to go through the entire regulatory process including having an environmental assessment and public consultations completed.

It also needs to collect weather data, including the prevalence of wind on the east side of the marsh.

Any expansion would also hinge on the company being successful in the next round of requests for proposal from the province.

The Ontario-based company started work on the Amherst project last fall and completed the eighth of 15 turbines early Friday. The north side of the project, nearest Fort Lawrence, has been completed. Work is now focused on the south side, closest to the Trans-Canada Highway and the Wandlyn Inn hotel.


.... and so it begins. Exactly the same thing could happen in Pugwash .... EXACTLY!


Riel Ludd said...

Tell me exactly what you are saying is going to happen in Pugwash. That the wind farm is going to be built and then a year later it is going to expand and then be within 100 meters of your houses. You obvioulsy are not aware of what has to happen in order for a wind farm to expand. You don't just say as a wind farm owner, "Oh I think I am going to double the size of the wind farm today". How about you engage in real dialogue with the developer and let them tell you what future plans are in store for this wind farm. Would you actually do that and what would they say? Probably something along the lines of the wind farm is at its potential and no future expansions are planned.........Exactly!

Lisa said...

That is exactly what they said, and we don't believe one word of it. We have been lied to too many times.

Riel LUdd said...

The only one telling lies here is you. The project has been scaled back and in good faith. Who is lying here, the folks in charge of the amherst wind farm or atlantic wind power? What is it that you are saying exactly? Come right out with well supported facts and not convoluted peception.

And what ever you do, don't make threats that you are going to ban commenting on this blog.


Lisa said...

I believe it is you who is making the threats here "Riel" - if that's your real name. Seems you cannot be found anywhere online except perhaps:

We have all kinds of proof of broken promises and lies that have been told us and the media from AWPC.

Just for example: Charles has been telling the media (, Amherst Daily News etc) that he reduced the size of this project from 27 to 11 or 12 turbines. This is a lie. He did not reduce the size of the project from 27 - it was reduced for him. He fell asleep at the wheel and someone bought the property that was to host 9 of his best turbines. This happened just a week or two before his project was to be submitted to NSPI in August 2007. He never got the original land owner to sign a lease and they sold the land. He was repeatedly offered that land to buy, but he refused. It is all his own fault that he lost those turbines.

We have other examples, but that is enough for now.

I can back up everything on this blog. I have made a policy of non censorship right from the start, even when some of the rants have been threatening - they eventually all came to nothing. Don't ever threaten me again, or I may have to change my policy - but just for you :)

Riel Ludd said...

Yes that is my name and thank you for being the first to ever post a link to my blog where I had a brief relationship, but like your "observations and reminiscences", I may visit it again.

But to the point at hand your math is off. 27 minus 9 is 18. So what happened with the 6 or 7 turbines that Charles has cut out. You seem to be missing something here. Regardless I do want to hear all of your examples of broken promises and lies from. That is what I am asking, I need to be enlightened. Do a whole post on all of it, if you actually have such a thing.

...and by the way a threat is a declaration to inflict harm or to indicate that you will be causing harm. What I said in my second posting was not that and your response is exactly what I asked you not to do. You may have the login and password for this blog, but you don't own the rights to the truth about the Pugwash Windfarm and all the other wind farm related bullsh*t that you put on here. Out with the truth and lets have the debate right here and in your community.