Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wind Concerns Ontario

The website is not even a year old but has burgeoned into an excellent resource for anyone anywhere who has concerns about wind energy.

This is from their "about us" page:

Wind Concerns Ontario is a province-wide coalition which promotes awareness of the true impacts of industrial wind power facilities on our health, environment, economy and quality of life.

Wind Concerns Ontario provides a strong, unified voice of opposition to the unchecked rush to locate over six hundred forty massive industrial wind turbines across the province in the last 5 years without the benefit of full environmental assessment. Plans to locate thousands more at an accelerated schedule, with even less oversight are tearing apart the very fabric of rural Ontario. Along with their transformers, transmission lines, overhead distribution wires and substations these industrial wind turbines threaten people and the environment in serene, historic, rural communities, on prime agricultural land, migratory bird paths, close to sensitive wetlands, designated wildlife areas and pristine shorelines.

Wind Concerns Ontario is in favour of environmentally sound solutions to our energy demands and environmental challenges. However hundreds of published reports from scientists, engineers, physicians and environmentalists refute misleading claims by wind power developers that industrial wind technology will be either effective or harmless.

Wind Concerns Ontario is committed to informing the people of Ontario as to the whole truth about industrial wind power.


Bubble's Mama said...

Thanks Lisa! I'd like to call the attention to the survey done of windfarm residents available on the site as well.

rumleyfips said...

The survey has one entry where heart attacks and strokes are blamed on turbines. My wife had a heart attack a couple of years ago. Following the same logic, the cause was lack of local wind turbines. One of the complaints was at 25 miles remove. This is like the woman on Nina Pierpont's site who claims turbines make her sick even when they are not turning.

Allowing patently ridiculous comments on anti green websites devalues every comments.

John McManus