Sunday, September 14, 2008

Down on wind

Just as global warming has become a reality to us all, so has the world’s energy crisis. It is time, we, as responsible governments, business corporations and private individuals, do our part to alleviate the situation.

The government is promoting the establishment of wind farms across the province. This is a huge step in becoming more environmentally friendly. Or is it?

I’m not convinced it is or ever will be. Natural gas has proven to be a sham to the people of Nova Scotia. I predict our "green electricity" will be also. These ventures always have a heavy impact on our environment and individuals. We must not be so naive. We must be able to recognize what is right for the planet; therefore will benefit all of us.

My wife and I live in the country and off the grid. That means we make our own electricity (by the sun). Conservation is very important to us. So is peace and serenity, which was taken from us, when, over two yeas ago, two commercial wind turbines were placed three-quarters of a kilometre from our house.

There are times when the relentless roar from these things force us to evacuate our home and return when the wind subsides. If I could see that they benefit the locality and the province, I would not be writing this letter. If these wind farms must exist, then please have the consideration to place them properly or convince me that they are needed at all!

Ward Brubacher, Millsville,

Pictou Co.

From Voice of the People

Chronicle Herald


Anonymous said...

It is ironic that the people who choose to live the simpler life are the ones paying the price for this misguided madness. Kudos to you for speaking out.

If every resident who has been affected by this would have the courage to speak out, perhaps people would stop and think before advocating this pathetic icon of so-called "greeness".

Canadians are buying into the scam and it may be years before it dawns on them that, hey, maybe this wasn't the best way to tackle the problem.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for speaking up about your situation in Pictou. We here in Pugwash know we face similar consequences if we don't stop this developer. The uphill battle against these wind developers is always the same, first they ignore you, then they ridicule you (NIMBY anyone), then they fight you, and then you win.

Anonymous said...

Everyone interested in wind farms should read the report presented by the UPEI Tourism Research Centre .

1313 tourists and 363 residents answered a number of questions about wid energy , farms and generators. Between 75 and 80 % of the respondents agreed that:there should be more wind farms on PEI, the PEI government should encourage the development of more wind farms on PEI, wind farms put PEI in the forefront of green enegy development and that wind farms are a good use of PEI land.

71% see wind farms as an attraction to PEI and 44% think they actually add to the scenic beauty of PEI ( there are no figures given for those who see neither a gain nor a loss, but the 71% who see them as an attraction give us a hint).

This survey should comfort those who have been scared by individualy crying " "loss of tourism" and " lower property values".

Who knows, even golfers may like to look at windmills when they walk the links.

John McManus