Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another site

While away the hours waiting for news from NSPI at this interesting site.


I will work at permanently posting links to other interesting sites here.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that site funny? The yap about causing polution is great.This right wing crazy forgets there are functioning plants supplying all the power we now use. Wind farms will replace coal not require new backup plants. Is this the clown who says that wind turbines in Ontario are really powered by electric motors?

Radio noon had Paul Gipe yesterday. The part that interested me was a statement that wind turbines have been installed in Iowa school yards. I Googled Iowa school wind turbine pictures and printed out 2 of the turbines on the school properties. One is 246 meters from the playground. Seems that the people of Iowa aren't fooled by the anti alternate energy propaganda.

Speaking to the Kinkadine Klown's claim that every wind turbine will cause a coal fired plant to be built, we should be thinking about Nova Scotia wind and weather patterns. The data exists: what's needed is some research on where the wind blows and when. It may be possible to produce a map showing where to install wind farms in such a way that that one has wind when another is becalmed. It may be the best plan having sites in Cape Breton, along the Eastern Shore, at Pubnico. Parrsboro and Pugwash, turbines on the Tantramar marsh and down the center of the peninsula. The distribution grid is already in place and good planning may make the supply of wind energy more concistent.

John McManus

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with your comments more John on having wind turbines strategically placed around the province to gain more consistency. The reason that in other areas this has not worked so well is because the entire areas are subject to one prevailing wind. In Nova Scotia you have 3 prevailing winds and at any given time one of them will be blowing. PEI is subject to one prevailing wind and that is why each of the two main points of the island have not been able to register consistency that they had hoped for. Even if the Pugwash wind farm does not win, there will be one for sure within the surrounding area I am sure, because it is necessary to gain more consistency. If the government gets off their ass and makes some solid rules around distances between turbines and properties than we can probably develop the north shore of Nova Scotia with good wind farms.

Anonymous said...

The citizens of Wolfe Island, Ontario were told by the wind developer no worries, just 10 turbines coming your way, and now they announce it will be the largest wind plant in the country with 86 turbines. The voting members of council had to abstain as all had signed contracts to have these $7500 cha chings sited on their land. Yet another rural community sold out by greed, what's energy got to do with it?

teddy said...

John McManus

"This right wing crazy forgets there are functioning plants supplying all the power we now use. Wind farms will replace coal not require new backup plants".

John,first off I'm not right wing.
Second, wind farms have never and will never replace coal plants.

I was interviewed by a reporter from the largest renewable magazine in Germany on Fri. and he confirms that Germany is building coal plants not shutting them down.
The President of France has stopped the construction of wind farms in all rural and scenic areas of France. They will only be allowed on old industrial sites.
A senior policy advisor for the Ministry of Energy in Ont. agrees with me not you. The members of a task force for the Ont. Energy Board agree with me not you.
This is about politics not energy.
If you wish to discuss the matter, fine.
Name calling is the sword used by the ignorant.
I'm sure you aren't ignorant so put down the sword.


Anonymous said...

Ron is right, wind plants have not replaced coal plants but try telling this to people who are motivated by greed and indoctrinated by ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me where the new coal plant is. Nova Scotia now has producing turbines in a number of locations. Therefore by anti-wind lobby logic new coal plants have had to be constructed. The problem is , I can't find them.

Nova Scotia will need more power in the future if present trends to more demand continue. The question is what kind of power. Your choice is coal. Many people want nuclear plants ( check out France's new right wing president). I prefer green power.
One of the things this discussion has forgotten is that the call from the government is for 20% green power ( notice that noone talks bout concervatiob). This can include hydro,biomass, methane, cogeneration, tidal,solar etc. Wind generation is the first to be proposed because it is a simple, effective, reasonably priced, proven technology. Other technologies will mature and follow at different rates.

With these alternatives producing, we will hear nothing about building new coal fired plants. Without them we will.

John McManus

Anonymous said...

All this talk of greed and its relation to wind farm developers is quite unnerving. Especially coming from a generation that has allowed the greed to thrive amongst the major polluters that have erected thousands of megawatts of polution pouring power. Where were you when all these power plants were being built that are truly destroying this planet. Now you take the road where you seem to claim that wind famrs are going to destroy communities around the world. This oxymoron is embarrassing and I can see after having reviewed this blog that you will probably never see what you are doing. The real ignorance lies with those that feel that the movement to reduce green house gasses comes down to the individuals right to thrive, when in reality it is for the planets right to live. With France's national action against wind farm development and the regional NIMBYs that exist all around the world it will be no wonder when we tell our grand children why we didn't use Wind as part of the mix to use renewable energy, that it was all for a dozen or so people in little pockets around the world that wanted to protect their views, property values and to prevent so called vibro acoustic disorder. What will they say? Most likely something along the lines of: What a bunch of idiots our ancestors were!

The social movement to protect the individual in this day and age should not surmount the right of society as a whole and the planet. This whole planet will have to make some very tough choices in the coming decades and there will be winners and losers. We are one of the only species on this planet whose individual actions surmount those of the common good. When will we learn?, as long as blogs like this exist, probably never. Atleast until a great calamity, God Willing!

Anonymous said...

The "closing coal plants" redherring would be perect if we were using Denmark as a model - too bad we are talking about Germany.

Germany has seen a steady rise in electrical consumption/demand . They now use10% more than a decade ago. In this climate new power plants of different are being built. The question should be ' how many more coal fired facilities would have been built if no wind turbines existed?'

Nova Scotia has also seen a 10% rise in consumption. It may keep rising: if so new capacity will be neded. We can support green energy to prevent furthef coal fired construction ( or new nuclear facilties).

I said that no "backstop" is needed for wind farms and that when the wind produces electricity coal is not used. This does not mean that caol fired plants are eliminated, only that their coal usage is minimized. It is like a steam train. Going uphill makes the "black greasy fireman shovel on a little more coal". Going down, "you can watch ol 97 roll". When the wind blows, the firman can take a smoke rate and NSPC will not use as much coal.

Shutting down a coal plant is not impossible, oil plants have shut down in Ontario. A combination of conservation ( industial as well as residential ), tidal, cogeneration, wind, solar etc. is needed. Prohibiting any single element because all elements are needed is kind of short sighted
John McManus