Tuesday, May 29, 2007

GSA meeting

The Ground Search and Rescue building in Pugwash was filled almost to capacity by 60-70 people who live, cottage or have other interests to do with the Gulf Shore. Those who were not already paid up members, paid their $5 per person fee to join the Gulf Shore Association.

Full minutes (once approved) will be available to members of the Association at the next meeting.

The Executive of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer was established

As fully but briefly as possible, I brought those present up to date as to what had happened so far and where we stand now in regards to Atlantic Wind Power Corporation’s plans for a wind farm in the area. I explained about the status of the environmental assessment and who is running it.

With further information from Dennis, we discussed what options we have legally. Solicitors have been retained and have begun working on our behalf conducting due diligence and identifying case law to support our claims. We voted to continue on this course for as long as is feasible or necessary.

The meeting agreed on the objects of the society:

(1) To promote and protect the interests of both the permanent and seasonal residents of the Gulf Shore area with respect to the retention of the region's recreational and non-industrial base.

(2) To provide a forum where the membership of the association may collectively develop, planning strategies to enhance the attractiveness of the community for the benefit of the residents and visitors alike.

(3) To provide a common voice for the membership when addressing issues between or among governments, the private sector and other groups, as well publicly representing the views of the Association.

Our next meeting will be called as soon as we have further pertinent information regarding our legal status or change in environmental assessment status.


At last count, there are 106 members. All are welcome.

This Association is comprised of people not just from the Shore, but from Wallace, Pugwash and even further afield!

Although this group has organized from a current deep concern over the possibility of a permanent and uncalled for change in our lifestyle, it is a group that probably should have been formed years ago to look after Gulf Shore interests.

We intend to look at more issues, like garbage collection, high speed internet etc in the future.

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