Saturday, April 14, 2007


Comments section is reactivated.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you bit off more than you could chew, you were asked by someone earlier to tone-down and you should of listened. You don't know what your talking about half of the time and you also have hardly any understanding, you should spend more time looking at the benifits of a wind farm than looking for ways to ruin it for everyone. Have you looked at the weather lately? I think a time has come for a change before its too late. Global warming is here and we need to fix it.

Anonymous said...

Lisa asks people to educate themselves on wind turbine energy projects and then take their views to council before a bylaw is passed without our input. The wolves in sheep clothing who worship at the alter of the Almighty dollar find this threatening. Look at their lands. Mother earth has much to fear from them. Every tree of value was clearcut. Large acreages of land was acquired and then raised, burned and chemically destroyed because there was money in blueberries. And now they want to make a buck off the wind. They don't care at whose peril. They've proven they never cared about global warming or the environment. If you care, change your lightbulbs. NSP could spend $4 million replacing 1 million bulbs with fluorescent and save more energy and cut more greenhouse gas than they will spending $105 million on wind energy at Point Pubnico. Why don't they? There is no money to be made. So let's quit targeting Lisa and anybody else who stands for truth over profits and let's all do our part to address global warming.

Anonymous said...

if we taught our children to use less electricity there would not be a need to create as much as we presently waste!

Anonymous said...

A few Google searches show:
No instance of ice throw have ever been documented.
Elephants communicate infrasonically for up to 10 miles.
The US military has stopped researching infrasonic weapons because they don't hurt people.
Infrasonic therapy is common for racehorses and infrasonic generators are FDA listed for human use.
Hordes and cattle graze under windmills at different sites.
A visit to Higgins Mountain or Rodney shows low noise levels, declining to ambient at between 5 and 600 yords.
A look at the sky will reveal the impossibility of a shadow falling on any location for 4 hours. Tha sun moves.

Anonymous said...

I knew it wouldn't take long for the tree huggers, the first "Anonymous" post proves that. Think before you type. I totaly agree what "John" stated. Do your research.

Anonymous said...

from what john said....
elephants don't communicate totally infrasonically for 24 hours a day at the same monotonous tone with the same power that a wind turbine does!
the us military stopped using infrasonic generators because they couldn't control a low frequency's directional characteristics enough to keep its guys from getting shaken as well as the bad guys!
the power used in listed fda approved ultrasonic generators is much less than that created by wind turbines and not used 24 hours a day with a monotonous tone and is controlled/ directed to specific parts of the injured area by mechancal vibration or similar(unless they rented the pa system used by the rolling stones on occasion)!
hordes of cattle can't talk to tell us how they feel having their guts shaken 20 times a second!
you just told us elephants infrasonic babble could be heard for 10 miles-how could the many magnitudes greater infrasonic rumble from a wind turbine decline to ambient levels within 5 to 600 yards?
the sun moves and so do the blades orientation as the wind direction changes.the aerodynamic shape of the blades can reflect light from different angles.
if john had done his homework he would have recognized these.
maybe he should stop reading the smooth sell promoted by those who stand to make a buck from this?
we've caused global warming because
we've allowed our lives to be controlled by electrical appliances
powered by cheap / convienient oil powered generators and all the other uses the burning of oil has created!
we need to fix our heads-they ain't thinking straight!

Anonymous said...

There has been a comment that a 2 km setback is cannot be said to be a total ban on wind turbines because noone has examined a map of Cumberland County that shows all houses,
Elsewhere this blog advocates a 2 km setback from roads. walking.biking.atv.snowmobile and horse rails, public buildings, airstrips, wildlife sanctuaries on on and on.
Look a the map: this is a total ban,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous agrees that infrasound travels great distances. Infrasonic waves from Higgins Mountain should be bothering me here in Thomson 10 miles away and anonymous in Pugwash at 17 miles. Noone is complaining although the energy is present at a distance as well as up close. The same goes for the Rodney site. Springhill is just over a mile away but there are no problems. No complaints are heard from Amherst 10 miles away.

The US military did find that infrasonic waves were difficult to focus on humans. People are too small a target for such big waves.

Anonymous mentioned the Rolling Stones concerts. Many music lovers think that infrasound though unheard forms an important part of overall music enjoyment. The experience of listening to one of the world's great pipe organs is often attributed partially to the infrasonic sound from the 16 hertz pipe.
Since anonymous has obviously been reading the same websites I have and should not have ignored these facts.

Animals live sucessfully beside windmills. Cattle give lots of milk in New York and gain weight in Alberta. A sucessfull stud farm in England has windmills on site. Pictures of animals grazing under windmills are easy to find. Most agree that agricultural land like the Irving farm is an ideal place for wind development.

Anonymous said...

Noise complaints to politicians and the wind developers are being ignored. That is the concern. We saw it at the meeting in Pugwash, the developer did not mitigate the D'Entremont's losses. Didn't have to, the wind turbines were within the setback law. Same is going on now in PEI. Residents say they can't sleep or concentrate, the noise is awful. Nothing will be done for them. The federal government will do its study, find nothing,these people will have to move away, at their total loss. History shows we tend to ignore liabilities over profits. Think tobacco, asbestos, lead, Vioxx. Our small sample group of people reporting injuries/upset may well be the tip of the iceburg. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Set these wind turbines far enough back, and if 2 km kills all wind development, the developers will rush to put water turbines in the Bay of Fundy. That is their plan B.

Anonymous said...

wind turbines don't create music -they create repetitive infrasonic noise for many hours a day at times.
these are strong pressure fluctuations.(vibrating forces)
the distance required for humans to comfortably escape from this is in a learning curve.
this is totally unnatural to the earth's biology.
nature pays the price for our consumption of electricity.
european standards would be best to follow as they have had this the longest and are aware of the problems to a greater degree.

Anonymous said...

So this is cottage country eh? Well I wonder how many of you "cottagers" pile into SUV's as you head to your little plot of land that you think you so rightly deserve.Count it a privilege. You naysayers should actually put your energy to better use.Relax the windmills won't hurt you.It's people like you that have created the mess the world is in now and hurting us all! NIMBY'S